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Finding Scholarships

This guide will give you ideas on where to apply for scholarships and will share library resources on scholarship application success.

Letter of Recommendation:

One of the hardest parts of scholarship applications is the letter of recommendation!  Many scholarships require letters of recommendations as part of the application process. It is to your own advantage to be sure to choose someone who will have the proper grammar and writing skills - because this letter reflects on you!  As a result, it is often best and highly recommended, that you pick someone who is not related to you. It is a way to show how the people in your life respect your skills and accomplishments. Recognize that writing a letter of recommendation is not an easy thing to do and will require time and substantial effort by the writer. Acknowledge the commitment you are asking of the writer.


Check out this article: "Ask Early and Nicely for Letters of Recommendation." in the US News and World Report It breaks everything down!

Checklist for Submitting Your Appplication

Make a list of the scholarships you are applying for and check off the items you need to submit.  Keep track of:

Name of Scholarship

Company/Organization offering the scholarship

Due date

Amount being offered

Number of references needed

  • Work Reference?

  • Personal Reference?

  • School Reference?

Letters of Recommendation

Dates when you need letters of recommendation back

Proof of your Identification

Tax records on file

FAFSA information

Official Transcript and/or Unofficial Transcript

Essay #1

Essay #2

How to send the completed application (mail?  Email?)

Contact person mailing address, email or phone number

Address or Email address where the application needed to be sent

When completed application was sent

Expected time you will hear whether you got the scholarship