Limiting by Publication Type in CINAHLComplete | CINAHL is available here |
Step 1 |
Perform your search, e.g., type your search terms into the field box and click search |
Step 2 |
Search results are displayed on the main search page. In this example, you have more than 6,500 articles. Results can be refined by using popular limiters such as "peer reviewed," "research articles," or "evidence based practice" Make your selection and click search. The show more link will provide you with more search limiters. peer reviewed journals are publications that include only those articles that have been reviewed and/or qualified by a selected panel of acknowledged experts in the field of study covered by the journal. Research articles indicate an original complete research study containing methodology, discussion or results, etc. Evidence-based practice includes "research" articles (systematic reviews, clinical trials, meta analysis, etc.) as well as articles from evidence-based practice journals, articles about evidence-based practice, and commentaries on research studies. *Every result may not be an evidence-based study* |
Step 3 |
More article limiters are available. They include: date published, language, age groups, and publication type. |
Step 4 |
More Limiting Strategies |
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