The following items are written by or about Watson. They are only a sampling of the resources available to you about this theorist and her nursing theory.
Watson, J., & Foster, R. (2003). The ATTENDING NURSE CARING MODEL: integrating theory, evidence and advanced caring-healing therapeutics for transforming professional practice. Journal Of Clinical Nursing, 12(3), 360-365. doi:10.1046/j.1365-2702.2003.0077This paper presents a proposed model: The Attending Nursing Caring Model (ANCM) as an exemplar for advancing and transforming nursing practice within a reflective, theoretical and evidence-based context. Watson's theory of human caring is used as a guide for integrating theory, evidence and advanced therapeutics in the area of children's pain. The ANCM is offered as a programme for renewing the profession and its professional practices of caring-healing arts and science, during an era of decline, shortages, and crises in care, safety, and hospital and health reform. The ANCM elevates contemporary nursing's caring values, relationships, therapeutics and responsibilities to a higher/deeper order of caring science and professionalism, intersecting with other professions, while sustaining the finest of its heritage and traditions of healing.
Measuring the caritas processes: Caring Factor SurveyThe purpose of this quantitative study was to develop a 10-item survey to measure the caritas processes. By using exploratory factor analysis to examine the underlying structure of the 20-item Caring Factor Survey it was discovered that taken together the caritas processes are a measure of the single concept of caring that can be reliably measured by a 10-item scale. The results of the factor analysis and item reduction, resulting in a 10-item Caring Factor Survey are presented. The 10-item Caring Factor Survey can be used by registered nurses in the practice setting to measure caring when practice is guided by Watson's (1979) theory of human caring.