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Red = Author/editor/organization. Who wrote/created it?
Green = Date. When did they write/create it?
Purple = Title. What’s it called?
Orange = Journal/magazine/newspaper/publisher. Who published it? Which issue/pages (if needed)?
Blue = Location. Where is it?
Website with an author
Author, T. (2018). Title of the web page. Retrieved from
Website with no author
Title of the web page. (2018). Retrieved from
Website with no date
Author, T. (n.d.). Title of the web page. Retrieved from
Website with group or organization as author
Name of organization. (2018). Title of the web page. Retrieved from
YouTube video (or other streaming video)
Author, T [YouTube_Username]. (2018, January 1). Title of the video [video file]. Retrieved from
Journal article
Author1, T., & Author2, T. (2018). Title of the article. Title of the Journal, VolumeNumber(issuenumber), pages. DOI
Journal article, no DOI
Author1, T., & Author2, T. (2018). Title of the article. Title of the Journal, VolumeNumber(issuenumber), pages. Retrieved from
Journal article, eight or more authors
Author1, T., Author2, T., Author3, T., Author4, T. Author5, T., Author6., … Author8, T. (2018). Title of the article. Title of the Journal, VolumeNumber(issuenumber), pages. DOI
Magazine article
Author, T. (2018, January 1). Title of the article. Title of the magazine, volume number. Retrieved from
Newspaper article
Author, T. (2018, January 1). Title of the article. Title of Newspaper. Retrieved from
Book, authored
Author, T. (2018). Title of book. City of Publication: Publisher.
Book, edited
Editor, T (ed.). (2018). Title of book. City of Publication: Publisher.
Government report
Agency Name. (2018). Name of report (publication number if applicable). Retrieved from
Non-government report
Organization Name. (2018). Name of report. Retrieved from