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Business & Marketing

Use the tabs below to find additional information in the field of business and marketing

Where To Start?

Before you start any research you need to determine exactly what you want to accomplish and create a plan for doing so.  If you approach it is a systematic manner it will make the process much easier and allow for greater success in the long run.

  1. Be sure you understand your research assignment
  2. Choose a topic and relate it to your assignment.  Be sure you understand the topic, can define, and spell it correctly.
  3. Determine concepts and keywords that describe your topic

Searching / Boolean Operators

Boolean operators are terms which help you search databases for specific information and assist you in getting what you need in an efficient and timely manner.

AND - combines terms or ideas and narrows your search

Example: network AND administrator

OR - expands your options and broadens your search

Example: “network administrator” OR “network manager”

NOT - limits your search by excluding certain terms or ideas

Example: administrator NOT manager