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Spring Things

Springy and Earthly Themed Resources

Special Spring Activities

Visit the Hoffman Family Library to see the Developing Chia Pet Inspired Gallery of Plant Life

Chia Pets Unite!

Watch the Chia Progress Here and In the Library!

 Visit Hoffman Family Library for Flower Seeds!

Growing Instructions  


  1. Seeds - Available from the Library!
  2. A cup – you could use a cleaned, recycled coffee cup!  
  3. About ¾ cup of soil (available upon request at the Library!)


  1. Poke 2 – 4 holes in the bottom of the cup for drainage.   

  2. Fill cup 2/3 of the way with potting soil. 

  3. Plant seeds at 1-inch depth. 

  4. Give the cup a generous amount of water after you’ve planted the seeds/seedlings 

  5. Place the cup in the sun for the seeds to grow (and drain). On a windowsill is a good place. 

  6. Water the cup when the soil feels dry. 

  • Seeds should sprout in approximately 10 days. 

Come to the Library To See These Fresh Growing at Home Ideas on Display! 


Cha Cha Cha Chia

Happy Chia!

Ready to Go Hedgie Chia!

Ready to Go Leonardo Lizard Chia!

Ready to Go Smiley Chia!

Chia Process

Chia Pottery is Soaked in Water for at Least 30 Minutes

Seeds are Soaked in Water for 10 Minutes. Soaking makes them gooey.

The Soaked Seeds are Applied to the Saturated Chia Pottery.

To Create a Mini-greenshouse a Plastic Bag is Carefully Placed Over the Pottery-with-Chia seeds. The Chia Pets are then Placed in a Sunny Spot.