APA has simplified in-text citations in regards to multiple authors. If there is one or two authors, list their names:
(Hunt, 2020); (Hunt & Smith, 2020) |
For three or more authors, list only the first author's name and then et al.
(Hunt et al., 2020) |
Don't state "retrieved from" in the reference list.
Websites should now be italicized.
Publisher location is no longer needed in the reference entry.
DOIs should be listed as a URL.
Up to 20 authors for each source should be listed in the reference list. Formerly, APA only required that one list the first 7 authors for a given source.
In the opposite direction, APA now requires listing up to 20 authors for a source in the references list. This is a change from the the 6th edition. For works with more than 20 authors, list the first 19, insert an ellipsis point, and then list the last author's name.
Smith, J., Jones, B.E., Brown, K.E., Doe, J., Chan, L., Garcia, S.M., White, C-G., Fernandez, J., Ahmed, A.J., Zhao, L., Cohen D., Watanabe, K., Kim, K., Del Rosario, J., Yilmaz, P.K., Nguyen, T., Wilson, T.H., Wang, W., Kahale, A. . . . Zhange, Z.Z. (Date). Title. Source. |