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CINAHL Complete

Cinahl covers the journal literature of nursing, biomedicine, alternative/complementary medicine, and 17 allied health disciplines

Searching in CINAHL

Search CINAHL using your chosen terms, along with Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT (or the operators in the dropdown menus); the truncation symbol gets variations such as other word endings and plural forms. For example, putting in child* would get back child, child's, children, children's, childhood, and so on.

Also, terms connected with AND, OR, and NOT work much better than typing in an entire sentence.

A search like: (infection control or asepsis) and surger* and child*

should work much better than using a sentence such as: Do certain procedures protect children from post-surgical infections better than others? because the software tries to find the whole sentence if you type one in.

Using quotation marks: Want to find a phrase instead of individual words? Put the phrase "in quotes."

For example: "exercise compliance" OR "exercise adherence."

Be aware that this will limit your search.