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History - Desegregation and Civil Rights

This guide is intended to provide a basis for research of the Civil Rights Movement in the United States.


JK 1924 .P65 2014

"Examines the history of the civil rights movement and the criminal justice system beyond the court rooms and into the arrests, jail cells, and prisons that were the locus of grassroots protests and organizing"

PZ 7 .M581915 Bu 2010

HN 59.2 .P557 2006

E 450 .B735 2005

Keywords and Phrases for Research

Civil Rights Movement Martin Luther King Jr. Medgar Evers
Rosa Parks Thurgood Marshall Emett Till
Malcolm X Plessy Vs. Ferguson Voting Rights Act (1965)
Brown Vs. Board of Ed. Twenty Fourth Amendment Freedom Summer
Lunch Counter Sit ins Civil Disobedience Little Rock Nine
School integration Freedom Riders Black Panthers
Montgomery Bus Boycott March on Washington Civil Rights Act 1964