Goodwin University Flagship Collections
The Goodwin University Flagship Collections are an Institutional Repository (IR) that provide an organized and permanent digital presence for the intellectual and creative output of the Goodwin University community, with an aim to preserve and provide access to that work. Research and scholarly materials included will be selected and deposited by faculty and academic departments on campus. This institutional repository provides a stable electronic location that is open to the entire academic community and beyond. All Goodwin University faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to submit qualified work to the Flagship Collections.
Browse the Flagship Collections using the menu to the left, or search using the search box above.
To learn about copyright issues and Creative Commons licensing, visit the page on author rights and copyright created by the library.
Consult the Frequently Asked Questions for more information on the Flagship Collections' policies and procedures.
If you are interested in submitting material to Flagship Collections consult the Submission Guidelines.